Signature Pads
Signature Pad allows you to store signatures digitally on various kind of documents. Various Free Plugins are available to connect with your application.Read More
Inventory Management System
Wasp Inventory Cloud is a web-based solution that tracks and manages inventory across multiple locations and industries. Read More
Asset Management Software
Wasp AssetCloud is a cloud-based platform that helps you track, manage and audit your assets with ease.Read More
Free Consultation
We at TechnoSource provide free consultation services regarding innovative solutions used in the government sector. Our state of the art industry solutions for government sector covers everything from inventory system, asset management software and digital authorisation via signature pads. The purpose of using these technologies is to reduce the number of annual write-offs, reduce annual expenditure, reduce paperwork, increase the overall productivity of the department and make things easier for the staff. With the asset management software and inventory system, your staff won’t be spending valuable time looking for a lost item.
Although it depends on the nature of the department, generally the government sector uses a huge number of IT equipment and inventory to keep things running at their best. The performance of IT and other relevant equipment is business critical; for example, if the relevant personnel forgets to change the toner of a printer, or forgets to service an IT tool on its scheduled time, the productivity of the entire office would suffer. Asset management software and inventory system virtually eliminates such possibilities.
The Wasp Mobile Asset software is the most remarkable system that I have come across. Its user-friendly interface and one-click response are most conducive, as we are entering data at the present stage. We are still yet to utilize the Bar Code scanner but I am sure, that it will work out well. Australian High Commission, Port Moresby
Benefits of Using Innovative Solutions in Government Sector
Let’s take a closer look at the effects of using the Inventory System and Asset Management Software on the overall profitability and productivity of the industry.
- Considering the government sector is highly diversified and different departments may have different requirements and goals, our innovative solutions for the government sector are scalable and customizable. You can configure the asset management software and inventory system according to your needs. The inventory system allows departments’ heads to keep a keen eye on the stock. With an integrated barcode printing feature, it has become surprisingly easier to catalogue items. The purpose of using the inventory system is to increase the overall efficiency of the department by reducing unnecessary costs.
- The digital signature pads could be used in relevant government departments to get authorisation on the spot. The signature pads transfer the authorisations to the central system that manages them automatically. This significantly reduces the paperwork and eliminates the margin of error by reducing human involvement in the process.
- Asset Management Software is a must-have tool in any government department to make the job of maintenance staff easier and more productive. It reduces the paperwork as maintenance staff can print barcode and attach them to each and every asset including IT equipment.
Increase Your Profitability with the Help of Asset Management Software and Inventory System
Employers and managers know the importance of their instant access to information. They can grant privileges and permissions to their subordinates and limit their access to information so the staff can only access documents and information they are supposed to access. This full control over the information flow helps in security and data integrity in the government sector.
The automated asset management software not only helps in maintaining the hardware on a regular basis but also ensures the renewal of software licenses on time to avoid penalties. Another important use of asset management software is document-tracking where departments can easily make a digital copy of documents for easy access. It is dramatically easier and faster to find digital documents as compared to paper ones.
Give our team of experts a call on 1300 300 344 and we’d discuss how our state-of-the-art asset management software and inventory system for the local, state and federal government sector can make your work easier and increase your productivity. Alternatively, you may click here to book your free live demo.
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